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Zoom meeting for Friday the 26th at 3pm


With a builtin grill, water fountain, and green house. Note: not all measurements are actuate. 



With a builtin grill, water fountain, and green house. Note: not all measurements are actuate. 


Please send us an itemized list of the cost of each feature prior to our zoom call so we can review and be better prepared for our meeting with you guys.  We are still deciding on:


  • Water fountain 

  • Built in fire pit / seating area

  • Built in grill and fridge

  • If we are going to do a raised patio vs ground level (Please give both options in the itemized list you send us) 

  • Certain trees/shrubs (Do junipers need separate irrigation?) Will the Michigan Bamboo work well?


Water fountain Questions: 

  • Will the water fountain attract mosquitoes and frogs? 

  • We are not sure how to keep our dog from drinking the water. Is it safe for him to drink?  

  • What should we be prepared for maintenance and cost wise each month/year?

  • How much does it cost to run the non stop the whole summer? 

  • Do we need to cover it in the fall and winter? 


We would like to know the difference in pricing and the pros and cons of building a roof like this vs a traditional roof.

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We know that we do want a full shelter roof like the photos above and not like the photos below, but we are interested in a privacy wall on the back and possibly the sides like the photos below. Unless landscaping will provide us full privacy. 

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Below are other roof options we are open to. Again, we would need pricing along with the pros and cons to why or why not to build this way or the way shown in the photos at the top of page.

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This is the fire pit design that we like, Although we would want comfortable cushions that can ideally be stored under seating. Not too large. This will seat on average 4 people. Looking to seat up to 8, but no more then 10.

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This is the green house we are interested in. We are leaning towards holding of on this for the time being. 

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